Wednesday, March 22, 2006

blogger club

Real tired after the long hours of sitting in front of the pc. I do not what those who have to work with pc all day long.

Well, soon will get used too, i think this is the only phrase that i could think of at the moment.

Curiosity kills the cat. The English proverb said but my curiosity brought me to find a site that seems pretty well.

Though i heard something about the yahoo company subdued to the pressures and google NOT, the statement here from the site really shocked me:

抗议Yahoo!(雅虎)向中国当局透露用户信息,致使湖南《当代商报》记者师涛以及江苏网民李志被中国当局拘禁、判刑。 在此呼吁马来西亚的中文博客杯葛Yahoo!,停止使用Yahoo!所提供的一切服务,表达我们不分国界,一齐捍卫言论自由和网民私隐权的决心。

Is yahoo that bad ?Just because of the $$$$ ?

Now i know why many like to use the google search engine.


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